Our Story

Welcome to TheNonToxicStore! We are on a mission to discover the latest non-toxic products from brands who care about the well-being of their customers. As a product discovery platform, we are committed to supporting brands that prioritize health and transparency, providing you with the knowledge and options to make informed decisions for yourself and your loved ones.

In an era where technology and information are at our fingertips, one would expect an upward trend in health. Contrarily, we’re witnessing an increase in illnesses, cancer, allergies, sensitivities, fatigue, infertility, obesity, and more. This alarming trend is partly due to the exposure to countless toxic chemicals that we use in our everyday products unaware of what is actually in them. It’s a daunting reality, but we’re here to encourage you to take control, starting right in your home.

Our journey into this realm began with personal health problems. The constant struggle (Devin) went through with chronic gut issues, fatigue, and sensitivities/allergies led us to a final breaking point. Something had to change. We’ve always been health-conscious, but after a deep dive into how our daily products, diet, and environment contributed to our health, we realized the extent of the issue. This prompted us to overhaul our lifestyle, we started swapping out harmful products in our immediate environment that we used every day. Some examples included cleaning products, makeup, skincare, laundry detergents, personal hygiene, and incorporating air and shower filters. The continuous changes in healthier product choices over the past few years have been transformative compared to our previous lifestyle.

Our website is a response to the overwhelming infiltration of harmful chemicals in our everyday household products. We aim to help cut through the confusion of ingredient labels, which are often greenwashed and misleading, to offer genuinely non-toxic alternatives. Join us in making the switch to a toxin-free lifestyle, and leave the daunting task of finding better options up to us. Now what are you waiting for? Start discovering!

– Devin & Austin