5 Quick Non-Toxic Upgrades for Your Living Space in 2024

By Devin Duff on Jan 18, 2024, 2:44 pm EST under Buyers Guide


The new year is here and it’s the perfect time to give your home a wellness makeover with just a couple of small easy changes. To get started, I’ve outlined five quick non-toxic swaps you can use today that will significantly enhance the health and comfort of your living space. Let’s dive into the 5 categories to start considering as you make your home a healthier place for you and your family this year!

Key Takeaways:

5 quick changes to consider in 2024

  • Air Quality

  • Drinking Water Purification

  • Shower and Bath Water Filtration

  • Cookware

  • Laundry

*Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to us at no cost to you if you decide to make a purchase. These are products we’ve personally used and stand behind. 

Air Quality

Having a high-quality air purifier in your home is crucial for maintaining a healthy living environment. Indoor air can often be more polluted than outdoor air (up to 5 times more polluted!), containing allergens, pollutants, and harmful microscopic particles.

In fact, the World Health Organization estimates that 9 out of 10 people around the world breathe polluted air!

An air purifier combats this problem effectively, capturing tiny contaminants such as dust, pollen, pet dander, smoke, viruses, and bacteria. This is especially important for families with allergies or respiratory issues, as it helps reduce irritants that can exacerbate these conditions.

The ability of these purifiers to neutralize odors and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) ensures that your home not only feels fresh but also becomes a safer and cleaner space.

Investing in a reliable air purifier is a proactive step towards enhancing the health and well-being of yourself and your loved ones inside your home.

Read our full review on AirDoctor and why we love it HERE.

Here are our picks for the best air purification products:

*NOTE – Discount Codes are already applied to the following AirDoctor links. Savings details below.

  • AirDoctor 1000

    $110 off

  • AirDoctor 2000/2000i

    $110 off

  • AirDoctor 3500/3500i

    $280 off

  • AirDoctor 5500/5500i

    $300 off

If you’re looking for something a little more modern and trendy:

  • Molekule

    NONTOXICTEN for 10% off Your Order

Drinking Water Purification

Filtering your drinking water is a crucial step towards ensuring your daily water intake is as clean and safe as possible. Even though tap water undergoes treatment to remove contaminants, it can still contain residual elements like chlorine, lead, pesticides, PFAs, and other harmful chemicals that make their way through aging infrastructure.

These contaminants not only affect the taste and odor of your water but can also pose potential health risks over time. A good water filter effectively removes these impurities, providing you with water that is not just more pleasant to drink but is also significantly healthier in the long run. In short, investing in a water filtration system is an investment in your home.

Here are our picks for the best water purification products:

*NOTE – Discount Codes are already applied to the following AquaTru links. Savings details below.

  • AquaTru Carafe Countertop Water Purifier

    $100 off

  • AquaTru Classic Countertop Water Purifier

    $100 off

  • AquaTru Under Sink Water Purifier

    $100 off

Shower and Bath Filtration

Using a bath and shower water filter is an essential step for anyone looking to protect their skin, hair, and overall health. Regular tap water, though generally safe, often contains chlorine and other chemicals used throughout the purification process.

These can be particularly harsh on sensitive skin, stripping away natural oils and leading to dryness and irritation. This is especially true for babies and individuals with skin conditions, whose skin requires gentle care.

A water filter helps to remove these harsh chemicals, preserving the skin’s natural balance and preventing irritation. In addition to skin health benefits, these filters also reduce the risk of inhaling chlorine vapors during hot showers, which can affect respiratory health.

By installing a shower and bath water filter, you’re not just ensuring that your daily cleansing routines are safe and healthy, but you’re also providing extra care and protection for the most delicate skin in your household. It’s a simple upgrade with significant benefits for the well-being of your entire family.

Here are our picks for bath and shower use:

*NOTE – read our full review on the Crystal Quest Bath Ball filter and why we love it HERE.

Non-Toxic Cookware

Using safe cookware is a vital aspect of maintaining a healthy kitchen and lifestyle. Many conventional cookware options can release harmful chemicals and metals into your food during cooking, especially when they are scratched or overheated. These substances, like PFOA from non-stick coatings or lead and cadmium from certain ceramics, can pose health risks over time.

Safe cookware made from materials like stainless steel, cast iron, or quality ceramic, helps ensure that your food remains uncontaminated. It’s another simple yet significant step towards a healthier, toxin-free lifestyle in the kitchen.

Here are our picks for the best non-toxic cookware brands:

*NOTE – read our full review on the best non-toxic cookware and why we chose them HERE.

  • 360 Cookware

    NONTOXICSTORE for 25% off Your Order

Non-Toxic Laundry Detergent

Switching to a non-toxic laundry detergent is one of the quickest ways to upgrade your home for a healthier environment, as what you decide to soak your clothes is important when they are in contact with your skin all day. 

Traditional detergents often contain harsh chemicals and synthetic fragrances that can leave residues on clothing and bedding. Additionally, if you have little ones, these residues may come into contact with a baby’s exceptionally sensitive skin, potentially leading to irritation, rashes, and allergic reactions. Babies’ skin is much more permeable than adult skin, making it crucial to use gentle, safe products.

Non-toxic detergents, made with natural and gentle ingredients, provide effective cleaning without the risk of harsh chemical exposure. They’re not only safer for your skin but also better for overall health. Additionally, these eco-friendly options are more sustainable, as they contain biodegradable ingredients that don’t contaminate your local water supply helping to reduce environmental impact.

By choosing a non-toxic laundry detergent, you’re ensuring that your family’s clothes are fresh and clean, while also safeguarding your family’s health and contributing to a healthier planet.

Here are our picks for the best laundry detergent options to consider:

*NOTE – read our full review on Truly Free HERE.

  • Truly Free

    NONTOXICSTORE for 30% off your order

  • Dirty Labs

    NONTOXICSTORE for 10% off your order

  • Meliora Cleaning

    NONTOXICSTORE for 10% off your order


The new year is the perfect opportunity to get a head start and introduce healthier changes into your home, creating an environment that supports you and your family’s well-being.

By incorporating an air purifier, you’ll breathe cleaner, allergen-free air. Purifying your drinking water ensures you’re hydrating with the purest water, while bath and shower filters protect your hair and skin from harsh chemicals.

Safe cookware contributes to healthier meals by preventing harmful substances from leaking into your food. Switching to non-toxic laundry detergent means cleaner, fresher clothes without the risk of skin irritation.

Each of these changes is a step towards a healthier lifestyle and giving your home a refreshing start for the year!

  • Devin Duff
    Meet Devin Duff

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